Seven White Closed Doors

How Stress is Secretly Rewiring Your Habits (And What You Can Do About It)

How Do You Cope with Stress? Stress affects all of us, and often in ways we might not immediately notice. We talk about the emotional toll, but what about the physical ways we react to stress? For many, the answer is comfort food, quick fixes, or indulging in unhealthy habits. But what happens when those…

Managing Energy and Emotions as Summer Fades

Navigating the Seasonal Shift: Managing Energy and Emotions as Summer Fades

As the vibrant days of summer start to fade, and the cooler, shorter days of fall set in, many of us feel a noticeable shift in our energy and motivation. The transition can be challenging, as we return to our routines, juggling professional, personal, and family commitments. The greyer skies, shorter days, and the drop…

Who’s Really in Charge? Navigating Our Emotions Beyond Blame

Who’s Really in Charge? Navigating Our Emotions Beyond Blame

Have you ever caught yourself in a wave of emotion, pointing fingers at someone else for your anger or sadness? It’s easy to do, like blaming the sea for being choppy without realizing that we’re the ones steering our boat. Today, let’s sail into a journey of self-analysis, leaving the shores of blame behind. Consider…

Beyond the Stressors: Understanding Individual Responses to Stress

Beyond the Stressors: Understanding Individual Responses to Stress

Stress is an inevitable part of life. We all encounter it in various forms—tight deadlines at work, family responsibilities, financial pressures, and more. Typically, when discussing stress, we focus on the stressors themselves, those external pressures that trigger our anxiety and tension. But there’s a vital piece missing from this puzzle: the individuality of our…