Breaking Free from Urgency Culture

Breaking Free from Urgency Culture

That anxious feeling: the compulsion to reply to an email right away, the constant need to check your notifications, the pull to immediately read every message that comes through—sound familiar? It’s not just a one-time thing; it’s a culture—a culture of urgency. We live in a world that expects 24/7 availability, driven by the perceived…

Black Textile

The Lessons, Wins, and Losses of Losing a Job

I’ve been reflecting on my own career journey a lot lately, and how it mirrors the experiences of many professionals—especially those of us who’ve faced the unexpected loss of a job or the pressures of a high-status role. It’s something that’s shaped not only who I am today but how I approach my work as…

Woman Sitting in Front of Macbook

Navigating Workplace Challenges: The Power of Setting Boundaries

In today’s demanding corporate landscapes, navigating interpersonal conflicts and managing stressful dynamics are increasingly common challenges. However, the critical yet often overlooked solution is effective boundary-setting. This strategy is not just about personal comfort; it’s a vital professional skill that can prevent consequences as severe as burnout. Many of us struggle with setting boundaries due…

Person Holding Marble Toy

Are You Listening?

Have you ever found yourself asking, “Why me?” or “What’s wrong with me?” Or maybe you’ve thought, “Every week, there’s something new to deal with.” These are common thoughts when life seems to throw us curveballs. However, it’s time to step out of this negative loop, because it’s not helping you and it’s not solving…